11 Business WordPress Elementor Themes & Plugins 2018

Daily the striking number of Elementor’s users proves that it’s not “just another page builder”. And there is not a big surprise, because as a minimum, this free WordPress plugin helps reduce costs and time on developing web projects. Moreover, due to Elementor Page Builder, everyone can add awesome effects to their websites just in …

5+ jQuery Image Pan Plugins 2022 (Free and Paid)

Want to enhance the functionality of zooming and panning of images for minor details on your webpage then, using the feature-rich jQuery image pan plugins is the best solution for you. jQuery image pan plugins are basically designed for zooming view of pictures on the website. As you know there are numerous kind of advanced jQuery image …

5 Best Breadcrumbs jQuery Plugins (Free and Paid)

”Integrate Breadcrumbs jQuery Plugins to provide an effective website navigation in an easy-to-find way.” If your website contains a lot of pages then breadcrumb navigation indicates the location of the user within the website’s hierarchy. But why do you need breadcrumbs for your website? Your website is not like a house – one does not …

5+ Instagram jQuery Plugins (Free and Paid)

“Integrate your website with Instagram jQuery Plugins to fetch & post the photos/videos from any Instagram feed.” These days, Instagram is amongst one of the most used and popular social networking sites. People create an account and post photos and videos on various categories like food, photography, art & craft & a lot more. Therefore, many …

4+ Best jQuery Text Animation Plugins (Free and Paid)

In this modern era, text animation is a preferred way to highlight the text/contents of a website. In fact, the animations increase the user’s attention span while interacting with your website’s contents. So, for this having a good and light weighted text animation plugin is pretty important. Now, it may seem tricky but there are …